For travelers who have often visited Bali, they might not be confused about what type of transportation they will get after arriving at I Gusti Ngurah Rai Airport. However, this will certainly be different for visitors who have just set foot in Bali for the first time. To visit a number of tourist destinations in Bali, getting information about what types of transportation can be used from Ngurah Rai Airport is certainly very helpful. This information will also help travelers who want to go to Bali airport tranfer.

The following are 5 types of alternative transportation that can be used to leave or head to I Gusti Ngurah Rai Airport with various services and costs. Bali airport tranfer I Gusti Ngurah Rai:

I Gusti Ngurah Rai Airport Taxi

Airport taxis are the only taxi fleet that has a special counter in the Bali airport area. The taxi does not use the meter system but there is a price per area whose nominal has been approved by the PT Angkasa Pura airport manager so expansive depending on the destination area. For passengers who want to use a taxi service, they only need to go to the taxi counter, which can be found to the right of the arrival terminal exit. You can deliver your destination in Bali and the officer will arrange which taxi will take you to the destination address. The official price of an airport taxi can be seen on the board near the reservation.

Car Rental

When arriving at the exit at the arrival terminal, there is a row of car rental counters that can be used by passengers who need a vehicle. The price offered also competes. You can book a car to rent online so that when you arrive at the airport, you can immediately enjoy the car rental service to get to the desired addres.

Carter Car Drop Only

One of the transportation in I Gusti Ngurah Rai Airport besides taxis is Loh Jinawi which mostly uses the type of MPV car fleet with a one-way system. If you feel that you are compatible with the service provided and want to continue the tour daily, you can negotiate the price with the driver of the vehicle.

Online Taxi Services

If previously the airport manager gave a ban on online taxi fleets to enter the airport area. Now, passengers can be facilitated by allowing a number of online taxis to operate in Bali. One of them is Grab. Passengers can make taxi bookings online through the application.

Online motorcycle taxi

Actually the ojek base is also available in the airport area. However, some passengers are more comfortable using the online motorcycle taxi services which are now increasingly popular. Since more and more online motorcycle taxi services operate in Bali, airplane passengers can also use online motorcycle taxi as an alternative transportation at Bali airport tranfer I Gusti Ngurah Rai.

Apparently there are several alternative transportation that can be the choice of passengers when they arrive at I Gusti Ngurah Rai Airport. You can choose what type of transportation is the most comfortable and safe for you.

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